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Pomona Plumber
Plumber in Pomona, CA
Address: Lewis Ct, Pomona, CA 91711 Email: admin@pomonacaplumber.com
Phone: (909) 347-5816
Plumber in Pomona, CA
Address: Lewis Ct, Pomona, CA 91711 Email: admin@pomonacaplumber.com
Phone: (909) 347-5816
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Erika Macias: "Had a exceptional time receiving professional service from these guys. They came very rapid to my home and took care of my plumbing problem in less than an hour. The top plumbers in the area." 5 out of 5 stars
Henrietta French: "I was very surprised with how much insight these plumbers got. They managed to deal with every question we had in our flat. They even fixed small issues for no added cost. I am very much satisfied." 5 out of 5 stars
Major Huff: "Many thanks professional plumbing angels, for the immediate distinguished service. I phoned them for rescue. They were there after 4 hours. They worked hard and took care of the plumbing case. They were awfully sympathetic. When done, they left the apartment tidy, as if they were not there. The payment was good. I stored their phone number In my phone." 5 out of 5 stars